mardi 17 avril 2012

install and create a map with Original Mapsource

From 2012.30 Version Mapsource is not anymaore integrated in Map installation files, Update.MSI will install only BaseCamp, so you need to install Mapsource alone then run Update.MSI file.
Mapsource is not anymore supported by Garmin, version 6.16.3 is the last one. 

1.2)If you have downloaded a XXXXXXXXX.gmap FOLDER
In some post will find ONLY the gmap Folder EXP."City Navigator Europe NT 2012.30.gmap"
In this cases you just have to copy this folder in:
(in XP - C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\GARMIN\Maps)
(in Vista, Windows 7 - C:\ProgramData\Garmin\Maps)
(in Vista, Windows 7 - C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\GARMIN)
where "USER" is your windows account

2)Once you will need a Patched Mapsource.exe to have the possibility to unlock the map in mapsource and Jetmouse 1.5

Mapsource.exe Patched (replace the original EXE)

Update Maps on your Device

This is a simple guide for all people that never updated the Garmin device.

Befor procced remember the FIRST RULE

Garmin maps are .IMG files, so if you download some file named gmapprom.img or gmapsupp.img you don’t have to do something more, just use this file like they are (you don’t have to mount or burn this IMG files)
In some threads you will find LOCKED and UNLOCKED IMG(map) files, you can use several TOOLS to unlock a locked map, is your choice, the unlocked maps are Copy&Go.

There are different ways to update the map, it depends on your Garmin device.

  • The New Garmin Series (1xxx/2xxx/37xx)
In this devices you will find built-in maps in .System folder, this is a hidden system folder and you have to enable the view of this folder in:
Tools\Folder Options\View – Select Show hidden files, folders and drives
Tools\Folder Options\View – Uncheck Hidde protected operating system file (Recommended)


Control Panel\Folder Options\View – Select Show hidden files, folders and drives
Control Panel\Folder Options\View – Uncheck Hidde protected operating system file (Recommended)

example of the folders section of the sys.txt

This is an example of the folders section of the sys.txt for Primo, when the content is stored in IGO83/content/.

sdcardpath="\Storage Card\IGO83"

Maps in one folder for more than one Igo application

Is there a way to put the maps in one folder and 3 versions of Igo to use it from that folder?
I'm using 2 versions of Igo Primo and Igo 8, and I was wondering if I could put all the maps in one folder could all these programs use the maps from the same folder? That way I could save a lot of space instead of coping the same maps for every version of Igo.

Updating TomTom - navcore and maps

This is a general instruction for updating your TT. It is dedicated to users who are inexperienced in updating their TT, but are computer literate. You must know how to download, unpack various archives using WinRAR, and ideally run a program from the command line. Some packages are distributed using the program jDownloader or CryptLoad to ensure long-time availability of the download. These packages are distributed via a .dlc file.
CryptLoad: CryptLoad - The Next Generation of One-Click-Hoster Downloader
This procedure almost guarantees a running system with a new map version 8.15/8.25/8.30/8.35/8.40/8.45/8.50. All services are available, including mapshare. It has been tried and tested with all Start's, One's, XL's, and GO's, as long as they accept a navcore (TT software) version 7.901 or later.

If you want to update your system, some effort from your side is required. Read the threads, especially the sticky ones. Most questions are asked and answered.

You are welcome to post a question, including "newbie" and "trivial" questions, but check that:
* you use the appropriate (sub-)forum and/or thread
* the question has a descriptive title
* the question is detailed and specific
* is written clear and simple
* includes details of importance, e.g.
model: Go720
serial: M6****G***** (these 3 characters only!)
navcore: 8.351 (9982), patched with EasyUseTools
bootloader: 5.5128
map: Western Europe 830.2306, keygenned with EasyUseTools
* does NOT include DeviceID or full TT SerialNumber
* you report back successes (failures tend to come back like a racquetball)

What are we going to do?

1 Update the software (navcore) on your TT
2 Modify the new navcore to accept a new map (patching)
3 Find a new map, suitable for your TT
4 Make the new map accepted by your TT system (generate a key)

All tools, instructions, and maps on this forum are provided by kind experts and donators. Please give them credit and be nice.

1 - System Update

Make a full backup of your TT (check it!). You can use this to get a running system again if you mess-up things. You can use the TomTom program HOME for this, but most hardcore users prefer WinRAR: When you connect your TT to a PC, it shows itself as an external hard drive. Backup the entire content of this drive! (Disconnect using the OS mechanism for safe removal.)

Check the navcore version of your TT. On a running TT, tap the speed area, and than tap the small area above where the speed was.

It is on the second line, the first number after App (e.g. 7.221). Navcore v9 has the same information in the menu-system, last page. This page provides all essential information when asking for help.
Another way is to have the TT connected to your computer, and view the file ttgo.bif in the root of your TT. The version is after ApplicationVersionVersionNumber=

HOME can also report the system version.

You can check the TomTom website for the latest version, status and fixes: Application update overview
You can also check the overview in here Updating TomTom - FAQ's

If you want to know which TT-model you have: What device do I have?

Update your system using HOME.
Latest HOME: TomTom, portable GPS car navigation systems - _TomTom HOME
But be aware of some TTHome restrictions
Make sure your battery is fully loaded before you start. Keep your TT on the cradle while updating.

Do a soft-reset (consult this forum, the TomTom website or your manual): Reset
It should run fine now.
Now make a new full backup from the updated system (you can exclude the map, it is already in the original backup).
You now have a TT with the latest official navcore and with its original map. Functionality and the colour scheme may have changed.

If it does not start: Device stuck at start-up or flashing cross
Another option: see this post Updating TomTom - FAQ's
As a last resort: format the TT internal flash and put back your backup

2 - Patch the Navcore

The map you are going to install will not work with the official navcore. For it to work you need to patch (modify) the file 'ttsystem' on your TT. Patching the ttsystem file is easy. Simply run the yDGpatch (made by yDdraigGoch). It allows you to select ttsystem from your TT and do it's magic. It can patch the .dll for the emulator in HOME ("operate my TomTom") too. Get it here: TomTom Open Tools & Tweaks

The latest generation of keygen tools can patch too: patch and generate a key in one go. This has become the preferred way. See below: "4 - Generate a Key".

If you cannot or do not want to patch yourself, there are prepatched navcores. Find the one you need, and unpack to the root of your TT:
TomTom Navcore
To be able to use emulation on HOME ("operate my TomTom"), place the included .dll according to the instructions of the patch-tool (above).

Your original map will work with a patched navcore.

For the experienced patchers: You can decide on using a SE navcore. See this post for more details Updating TomTom - FAQ's

3 - New Map

You probably want a new map. Newer maps are better. Your updated navcore runs the newest maps for all areas, but may not provide the latest features. The map version must match the navcore version.
Find out which map versions fit your navcore in compatibility charts: TomTom Maps

Some maps have _1GB or _2GB in the name. These maps have less additional information (POI's, rivers, etc) included to make them fit in 1GB or 2GB flash. The actual roads are the same.

If you want: to use an SD Card, to preserve your Favorites or if you wonder what ALG, ASR, and C-Speech mean: see the post Updating TomTom - FAQ's

Do not copy a new map over an old one; remove the old map first. Each map resides in its own directory. A map of Western Europe will be in a directory Western_Europe in the root of your TT (or the SD card). Do not place a map-directory inside another directory.
Speedcams and POI's go inside the map-directory.
Some more details: TomTom POI's

4 - Generate a Key

A map will only work on your TT if you have a valid key that matches your TT hardware. Get a map, you are going generate a key for it.

Generating a key takes some effort. I will explain what needs to be done. You have a map, within the map-directory a meta-file, e.g. Western_and_Central_Europe-19.meta. You need to make a dct-file,
e.g. Western_and_Central_Europe-19.meta.dct to go with it.

For this you need four things:

1 a keygen program, e.g. EasyUseTools available here (made by TTuser):
TomTom Open Tools & Tweaks
Also have a look at the new keygen tools, referenced below.

2 a file Meta.txt, with encryption information about the map. It comes with the tools.

If the Meta.txt it is out-of-date (due to new maps):
TTuser frequently updates the EasyUseTools, and Albert's tool has special functionality in his tool to get the latest meta-data (thank you Guys).
A last resort: Add new meta-data yourself.

3 the identifier of your TT (device id), to be found on the first line of the page of your TT you looked up earlier (nav version). Delete the space in the middle and type it in CAPITALS. (It is also in ttgo.bif, after DeviceUniqueID=)

4 the map-directory with the meta-file

You can simply run the keygen program (from EasyUseTools) from the command line but there is an easy tool that does the hard work for you. See above for the URL. EasyUseTools will create v6.xx map codes, v7.xx and v8.xx map dct-files, and will patch navcore's.
TTusers Easytools

steps to update your device with the latest map

To update your device with the latest map, follow these simple steps:

1) VERY IMPORTANT: Connect your device to your computer via USB. Using Windows Explorer, open your TomTom drive and backup the complete contents of your TomTom.

2) Check your navcore version. You can do this either on the device menu under Version Info, or you can check the navcore version in TomTom Home when the device is connected to your computer.

3) Check which map is compatible with your navcore using the latest compatibility chart here:

Compatibility Chart For v885 Maps & Navcores by tweety39

4) Delete the old map folder.

5) Copy across the new map folder into the root of the device. Make sure when you open the map folder it only contains the map files, not another folder within a folder.

6) Download the latest version of FastActivate Premium Edition from the FastActivate thread here:


Unzip the file and copy across FastActivate.exe to the TomTom drive (the root of the device).

7) Run FastActivate.exe from the TomTom drive, clicking on all 4 options in order, waiting for each to complete:
Update meta, activate maps, patch navcore & home.

Clean Install - How to install the latest map and navcore

This tutorial is for TomTom standalone devices only - not WinCE or PDA devices. In addition, if your device was made anytime from September 2010 onwards, (for eg. the GO 1000 series, GO LIVE 800 series, Start 20 series and all VIA models) it cannot be updated this way, as mentioned here:
 Before proceeding with this tutorial, if your device has a card slot and you normally use the card, insert it now. As long as the card is inserted, it won't affect the internal memory (if your device has internal memory).

Follow these steps precisely and you will have updated software, as good as new!

1) VERY IMPORTANT: Connect your device to your computer via USB. Using Windows Explorer, open your TomTom drive and backup the complete contents of your TomTom.

2) Open your TomTom drive and delete the contents.

3) Install the latest version of TomTom Home from the TomTom website.

4) Run TomTom Home. Depending on your model, if Home asks you whether to use internal memory or the card, select the card.

5) Go to updates and download the latest navcore. Restart TomTom Home and run updates several times until no more updates are available.

6) Unplug your TomTom device. Start your TomTom on its own. This will create a new ttgo.bif file which will be needed for patching later.

7) Check your navcore version. You can do this either on the device menu under Version Info, or you can check the navcore version in TomTom Home.

8) Reconnect your TomTom to your computer.

9) Run TomTom Home on your computer and go to the "Operate" function. This may be called "Operate My TomTom" or "Operate My Go" or similar, depending on your model. You may get an error message when doing so, just ignore it. The purpose of running the Operate function in Home at this stage is to create the dll profile needed for patching later.

10) Shut down TomTom Home.

Challenge Neige et Glace à Lans en Vercors

Du 25 au 28 janvier, à Lans en Vercors, se déroule le Challenge Neige et Glace. 3 jours pour découvrir la neige autrement.
Au programme : relais de ski alpinisme en nocturne, course de ski de fond en nocturne et initiation gratuite au yooner, à la cascade de glace et à l’airboard. Le tout, en dégustant avec modération un bon verre de vin chaud. Adrénaline et bonne humeur seront au rendez-vous.

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La sécurité des skieurs est un élément essentiel des stations de ski. La station des Orres, dans les Hautes Alpes, a donc testé le 2 avril une évacuation de télésiège. Ce sont ainsi 16 victimes consentantes qui ont été secourues par les équipes des pistes des Orres. Un exercice qui permet d’entraîner et d’évaluer les sauveteurs et d’optimiser la coordination des intervenants.

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